♣ Novice/Intermediate program ♣
Four Gold Rush Pairs -- Two-session gold-point events for 0-750 masterpoints.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday.
Bracketed Swiss Teams on Thursday & Sunday -- Play only
against teams in your point bracket.
NEW: 199er
Pairs on Saturday -- One-session event at 10:30 am. "Lunch & Learn" workshops -- Mini-lessons by expert speakers at 2:30 pm, Wednesday through Saturday. For students ages 26 and under: Free entries in all events on Thursday. $5/session for all other events. Flight C masterpoint awards in all open events.
"Daylight" schedule: Two sessions daily -- 10:30 am
& 3:00 pm -- Wednesday through Sunday. ♣
hospitality! Registration gifts, door prizes, champagne splits & glasses to
section winners, Daily Bulletin. ♣ Tuesday: Play for the Pets Day. To benefit animal-rescue organizations in central Illinois. ♣ Wednesday: Georgia Heth Day. In memory of Georgia Heth (1956-2023), former ACBL President and District 8 representative to the ACBL Board of Directors.
Thursday: Juniors Day.
Full-time students age 26
and under play FREE all day.
♣ Friday: Lou Henson Day. In memory of Lou Henson (1932-2020), avid bridge player and 21-year coach of the Fighting Illini basketball team. ♣
Fighting Illini Fans Day. $2 off your morning entry if you wear Illini orange and blue! ♣
Sunday Team events Wednesday through Sunday (stratified or bracketed by team's average masterpoints) Two KO Team events -- Chief Illliniwek KO (Tuesday-Wednesday) and OskeeWowWow KO (Friday-Saturday). Both are "Mini-Soloway" format, where all teams play a two-session Swiss the first day. The top four teams in each bracket will advance to the KO semifinals on the second day. Two bracketed Swiss Teams-- Thursday (10:30 & 3:00) & Sunday (10:30 & TBA) Stratified Pair Events (stratified by pair's average masterpoints) Single-session entries always available. Two-session Stratified Open Pairs
-- 10:30 & 3:00, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday. Two-session Barometer Pairs -- 10:30 & 3:00 Saturday. Barometer scoring for all tables in the second session. Strata: A=Open B=0-3500 C=0-1500 Gold Rush Strata: 0-200 / 200-500 / 500-750 All events stratified by pair or team average masterpoints. KOs may be handicapped. Entry fees: $15/session. $10/session for 199er Pairs. $5/session for full-time students age 26 & under.
Host hotel bridge rate: $104 double at Holiday Inn, 101 Trade Center Dr., Champaign IL ♦ Map
Remodeled rooms with deluxe bedding, sitting area with sofa bed, desks,
refrigerators and Keurig coffeemakers. Reservations: Call 217-398-3400 and ask for the bridge rate. (Bridge rate is not available through online reservation services). Please reserve early. |
Partnerships: Bob Sievers (217-390-1524) kwbridge@comcast.net |